Website Hosting in York

We offer all or York website design clients managed website hosting and domain name registration

Most of the websites designed by York Interweb are also hosted by York Interweb, which means we do everything for you in one place.

We can even sort out your domain name if you don't already own one, usually payable once every two years.

We offer a managed hosting service for a pre-agreed yearly payment, which includes keeping your website up and running and simple edits and updates to the website's content

What exactly is website hosting?

All websites need hosting! A hosting service is where your website lives, usually on a computer called a 'server', which sits on a rack in a 'datacentre'. Our servers are in Leeds and London.

So what is the domain name?

Your domain name is the address of your website, it is configured to tell the internet the location of your website files on the server.

Think of your Website Hosting as the house where your website lives, and the domain name as the address for how to get there!